Saturday, September 25, 2010

Learn,Share, Create on

This very interesting social networking service is a site where people from all over the world share their knowledge and ideas about the subjects they are passionate about. It is a Facebook-like environment, however allows you to create your own free networking site about whatever topic you want. For educators, who wants to deliver some of their curriculum on line and to teach theirs students social networking skills, this site has many advantages.

When I visited I found a group Peace X Peace CommunityRaise Women's Voices, Build Cultures of Peace.
This group is focused on peace education, how it relates to the success of all people and especially women. Throughout my early educational career I've been focused on the motivation for women to migrate to the U.S. and learn English. I've found that one of the number one motivating factors is the want of a more peaceful situation. I hope to work with refugees in the future and a healthy understanding of the power of peace, especially as it relates to women, is something I believe will be helpful to me developing my perspective on the issue.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of this Ning, but it sounds very interesting.
    Dr. Burgos
